* Para trabalharmos a revisão proposta na primeira unidade, VERB TENSES,
(past, present and future), cada dupla em sala de aula escreveu sobre um determinado tópico fazendo comparações usando os diferentes tempos verbais.
Depois de corrigirmos juntos as frases, cada dupla usando o laptop, escolheu imagens no google para representar suas idéias
* Montamos os relatórios para postarmos no blog.
In the past people used to have angry teachers.
In the past a lot of people didn’t study.
In the present there are a lot of universities.
A lot of people are studying now.
Students and teachers use the computer.
In the future all the population is going to study.
Studies will be better.
Lucas and Julia
In past supermarkets didn´t deliver.
We didn´t buy fish or meat at the supermarkets.
Nowadays shopping is faster.
We can buy things using the computers or telephones.
In the future people will buy things only through internet.
Maybe we will buy things in another planet.
In the past kids played with tops.
They didn´t play with computer games.
Nowadays people watch 3D movies.
The children play video game.
In the future kids will play with different toys.
They will play with talkative robots.
In the past people used to ride horses.
The transportation was very difficult.
Today people drive cars.
The transportation is easy
In the future people are going to have private jets.
And transportation will be faster.